September 8, 2009

The good, the bad, and the bizarre

Crazy week!

I went back to work last Monday, teaching two live classes and three online ones. My classes are so full, that I can't possibly add everyone who wants to add.

I must say that my DH was quite considerate to die in July. Since I don't work in the summer, it gave me time to deal with the paperwork, lawyers, etc. Now that the fall is upon us, I can concentrate on what is necessary: work, kids, and home.

The kids started school the next day: my daughter in 10th grade, my son in 6th (middle school!). She was excited to see her friends, and she loves school. He, on the other hand, was scared to death. What if the big kids are mean? What if the lunch is gross? He survived that first day and seems to have adjusted in his first week. Today: the trauma we all remember of P.E. -- undressing in the locker room! He survived that as well.

Then my DH's birthday on Thursday at one of his favorite barbeque restaurants. We were joined by his mother and older sister. There were no tears, just a simple joining of hands to quietly wish him a {happy?} birthday.

Oddly enough, my daughter's birthday is two days later, and he NEVER wanted to share events. My MIL suggested we sing Happy Birthday to her, and celebrate with a sundae. He must be rolling over in his urn!

Friday. The Station fire in Los Angeles inched its way closer to our house. The towering cloud seemed to hover over us, which must mean the prevailing winds were moving it in our direction. However, we had tickets to the Hollywood Bowl with my MIL. I told the kids to pack their suitcases, while I loaded pictures and files into the car. Our fire department has been incredible, and I had every faith in them, but it still seemed practical to prepare.

My son completely lost control, crying, unable to pack, unable to move. He clutched a picture of his dad, sat on his bed, and looked around his room. "We have so many memories here."

I put him on my lap and tried to reassure him as much as possible. Then we screamed to the universe, "We can't take any more! We can't take any more!" He calmed down. We packed it up and went to the Bowl. Lovely show. No texts from my friends about impending doom. Returned home safe and sound. Somehow, everyone slept well with no nightmares in sight.

Saturday. My daughter's 15th birthday! We ate dinner at HER favorite barbeque restaurant, with my mother, sister, nieces, nephew, MIL and SIL. We ate, laughed, and sang.

When we got home, I asked her how her birthday turned out. She said, "It would have been nice if Dad was here." Yes, it would have.

Crazy week. I'm glad it's over, and we can finally settle into the school and afterschool routine.

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